SUBJECT | JST/RISTEX Future Earth Symposium will be held. |
December 18 2019 TOKYO JST Tokyo Headquarters Result report by Tetsu Sato and panel discussion (open to the public) |
SUBJECT | International Symposium and Top Innovator Workshop will be held. |
November 16-17 2019 TOKYO JST Tokyo Headquarters Annex 1st Floor (International Symposium) November 18 2019 TOKYO JST Tokyo Headquarters Annex 4th Floor (Top Innovator Workshop) |
SUBJECT | The 5th Project General Meeting held. |
August 21 2019 TOKYO JST Tokyo Headquarters, Residential Building Meeting Room ・Report of the 19th FE committee meeting ・Progress in casual relationships group network analysis ・Progress in tools validation ・Report of mutual visit (Malawi) ・Co-implementation endeavor(Man-made Chirundu) ・Report of each case study’s site ・International seminar held(November), regarding the summarization of results |
Overseas Survey by Motoko SHIMAGAMI and RAMPISELA, Dorotea Indonesia (local survey) Opinion exchange regarding the marine protected area in Gorontalo. Interview related to mangrove cultivating activity and post-status of tsunami in 2018 in Donggala. Interviews on garbage separation, collection and operation condition at garbage bank in Makassar. |
July 18-19, 2019 Gorontalo, Makassar, Donggal |
Conference participation and presentation by Tetsu SATO 2019 MARE People and the Sea Conference Results of the TD-VULS project was presented, and the discussion on possibility of conducting TD research and gathering information was also performed. |
June 25-28 2019 Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
Overseas Survey and Mutual Visit(Part 2 : Malawi) Ical Amrisal(Indonesia)John Banana Matewere Rusuwa Bosco, Ndawala Brighten(Malawi) In order to promote the cross-border exchanges, we held the active discussions with innovators and stakeholders in Chembe Village at the International Discussion Forum. Developing case studies of community-based-tourism of Malawi, Chembe Village was observed, and the valuable information of its application in Indonesia was obtained. In addition, based on the case studies of agroforestry and multi-variety cultivation conducted in Porewari, Indonesia, the active discussions were held on the ideal way of agriculture in Chambe village. |
June 14-23 2019 Lilongwe, Chembe Village, Liwonde |
Overseas Survey by Tetsu SATO in Malawi Participation and observation at Mbenji Island’s end of fishing season ceremony, support in operating the construction of “man-made Chilundu”, advanced arrangement for visit of innovators from Indonesia |
April 4-14 2019 Lilongwe, Chembe Village, Mbenji Island |
SUBJECT | The 4th Project General Meeting held |
March 9-10 2019 TOKYO, JST Tokyo Headquarters March 9 Part 1: Progress of “commonization” Tetsu SATO:Report of the 16th FE committee meeting (February 24) Toolbox Developing Group:interim report on network analysis of casual relationships group Hiroyuki MATSUDA:Check list for tools validity and post-analysis of PSA General discussion March 10 Part 2: Co-production of knowledge, co-implementation of results and international network RAMPISELA, Dorotea, Motoko SHIMAGAMI(Deputy SATO):John Banana Matewere : Report of Indonesia visit Tetsu SATO: Mutual visit intended for international network and regarding the building of Facebook page RAMPISELA, Dorotea(Deputy SATO):Co-production of knowledge and endeavor on co-implementation of results in Polewali, Chembe Takahashi TORII and Satoru NISHIMURA:Progress in co-implementation of salt production technology in Fiji, Lomawai Report of case studies ・Koji NAKAMURA : Ifugao ・Reiko OMOTO : Polewali ・Deputy Sato:Turkey, Gorontalo General discussion |
Overseas Survey by Hide yuki ONISHI and Koji NAKAMURA Philippines (local survey and advanced arrangements) Interview by trainee from Meister, discovering the innovators, and field survey |
February 19-25 2019 Banaue and Batad of Province of Ifugao |
Overseas Survey by Reiko OMOTO and RAMPISELA, Dorotea Indonesia (regional survey and advanced arrangements) |
DATE | February 15-20 2019 Makassar, Polewali |
Conference participation and presentation by Tetsu SATO Leveragepoints2019 In addition to presenting the results of the TD-VULS project, we were able to discuss and collect the information on the possibility of TD research using the “leverage points” concept. |
DATE | February 4-10 2019 Lüneburg, Germany. |
SUBJECT | Top Innovators Workshop held |
DATE | Sep 28, 2018 Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel Presentation and discussion from innovators |
MEMBER | Five invited innovators and project members![]() |
SUBJECT | World Social Science Forum(WSSF2018) Section held |
DATE | Sep 25-28, 2018 Fukuoka City ・Sep 26(Wednesday)16:30~18:30 TD-VULS Project Section CS6-03 Issue-driven and solution-oriented co-creation of knowledge partnering with marginalized people under poverty conditions 【Program】 Five innovators such as Sudarat Sangkum (Thailand), Rampsela Dorotea (Indonesia), Bosco Rusuwa(Malawi), Brighten Ndawala(Malawi), John Banana(Malawi))participated and discussed。 ・Participated in Sep 27(Thursday)16:30~18:30 ILEK Project ・Participated in Sep 28(Friday) 14:00~16:00 Future Earth Session, |
SUBJECT | Co-sponsored and participated in International Symposium “「The 3rd International symposium on “Decision Science for Future Earth” —-Transdisciplinary Science in Practice—」by JST-RISTEX Future Earch Project:「Problem solving research by collaboration with environment, disaster, health, governance and human sciences) (Representative: Tetsukazu YAHARA) 【Symposium Website】 |
DATE | Sep 24, 2018 Fukuoka City |
SUBJECT | Conference and meeting |
DATE | June10-11 2018 Yokohama National University Workshop and meeting on toolbox development and validation |
MEMBER | Hideyuki ONISHI, Tetsu SATO, Shion TAKEMURA, Hidetomo TAJIMA, Mitsutaka MAKINO, Hirotaka MATSUDA, Hiroyuki MATSUDA, FUKUSHIMA |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Reiko OMOTO, RAMPISELA, Dorotea Indonesia(local survey and meeting) Market research on cacao products, interview at cacao plantation |
DATE | March 20 – 26, 2018 Makassar, Polewali |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Tetsu SATO Thailand(study and meeting for collaborative research) As a new case study, in the south and eastern part of Thailand, we attempted to explore excavators of small-scale natural rubber farmers’ innovators and translators working with small-scale farmers |
DATE | March 7 – 11, 2018 Ha Chai Rayong![]() |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Hideyuki ONISHI, Koji NAKAMURA Philippines(local survey and meeting) Interviews with Meister trainees, excavation of innovators and field survey |
DATE | Feb 13-20, 2018 Batag Village and Kiangan Village, Province of Ifugao |
SUBJECT | Top Innovator Workshop and the 2nd General Meeting |
DATE | Feb 10-12 2018 Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts Tetsu SATO:Outline of workshop Introduction of innovators John Banana Matewere (Malawi) Mohammed Namputu Mangwere (Malawi) Herwin Hartawan Soekirman (Indonesia) Kamaruddin (Indonesia) Umar (Indonesia) Presentations and discussions on innovation and issues Brainstorming for visualization and scrutiny of issues in each case Input and discussion on tools validity and problem solving and mutual exchange Feb 12 |
MEMBER | Five invited innovators and project members |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Hiroyuki MATSUDA, Tetsu SATO Malawi (Survey of coastal area of Malawi coast and meeting) Meeting with key members, conducting DIDLIS surveys at three survey sites, collecting tools and validity evaluation |
DATE | Jan 2-12 2018 Lilongwe, Salima district, Malindi, Chembe village, Cape Maclear, Nkhotakota, Zomba ![]() |
SUBJECT | Oversea Survey RAMPISELA, Dorotea Indonesia(local survey and meeting) Survey on local issues of water resource and constructing the stakeholders structure |
DATE | Dec 1-10, 2017 Polewali |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Motoko SHIMAGAMI Indonesia((local survey and meeting ) Local survey on the socio-economic situation of residents in the Gorontalo state and the innovators |
DATE | Oct 25- Nov 10, 2017 Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province and Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Province |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Takashi TORII, Satoru NISHIMURA, Cokanasiga Apimeleki Sikoa, Tetsu SATO Fiji(local survey and meeting) Sharing the idea and goals with the Ministry of I-Taukei Affairs which is planning to collaborate as an inter-hierarchical translator, conducting dialogue with local innovators and translators regarding to DIDLIS and survey to acquire the new information |
DATE | Oct 16-22, 2017 Natalao Village and Lomawai Village![]() |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Hiroki KASAMATSU Indonesia(local survey and meeting) Exploring the changes in residents’ livelihoods due to changes in lake and coastal environments, coping with the environmental changes, utilizable local resources, and survey on local human resources that can manage them |
DATE | Sep 14-21, 2017 Gorontalo Province |
SUBJECT | Participation and presentation in conference RAMPISELA, Dorotea Tetsu SATO International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2017 (ITD2017) Participated in ITD2017 where the transdisciplinary researchers around the world gather, and presented our project’s results, especially the results related to the theory of transdisciplinary research. Through discussions with diverse TD researchers from around the world, I was able to widely disseminate the significance of the project approach. By engaging discussions with various TD researchers, we were able to disseminate the significance of the project approach in a broad way. |
DATE | Sep 10-17, 2017 Lüneburg, Germany![]() |
Overseas Survey RAMPISELA, Dorotea Tetsu SATO Indonesia(local survey and meeting) Implementation of DIDLIS survey and meeting in Polewali region, Jeneberang Watershed |
DATE | Aug 15-23, 2017 Makassar, Polewali![]() |
SUBJECT | Overseas Survey Tetsu SATO Malawi(survey and meeting on Malawi lake and coastal region) Meeting with key members, implementing DIDLIS surveys at three research sites, and discovering new innovations |
DATE | July 25- August 6, 2017 Lilongwe, Chembe Village, Malindi, Zomba![]() |
SUBJECT | Seminar Participation and Presentation Reiko OMOTO Slow Food Nations in Denver, Colorado |
DATE | July 12-19, 2017 Denver, United States of America |
SUBJECT | Information of Transfer Tetsu SATO |
DATE | April 1, 2017 Today I have transferred to Ehime University, Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation. In this new faculty where the transdisciplinary studies and education are set as the backbone of the faculty, we would like to develop new issue-driven, adopted trials based on the results of regional environmental knowledge projects that had been advancing at the former position (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature). Thank you all for supporting me in various aspects. |