The 5th General Meeting was held at JST Tokyo Headquarters.

“Promotion of Satoumi Studies: The New Relationship between People and the Sea” (edited by Shinichiro KAKUMA, Tetsuo YANAGI, Tetsu SATO) was published by Bensei Publishing in March 2018 which was the project outcome of March 2018. On July 19, 2019, this book won the Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies (JACZS) “Publication and Cultural Award”. This book has been awarded for its presentation of the requirements in creating the Satoumi in specific and diverse examples, and a concept that will be a new approach to coastal area management. These facts contribute the improvement in understanding and recoginition of the importance of coastal zone. In this book, the Japanese meaning of read...

「UNESCO Eco Park:Nature conservation fostered by local practices」 Edited by Hiroyuki MATSUDA, Tetsu SATO, Takakazu YUMOTO was published by Kyoto University Press. Kyoto University Press http://www.kyoto-up.or.jp/book.php?id=5065

The 4th General Meeting was held at JST Tokyo Headquarters.

December,2018「Transformations of Social-Ecological Systems: Studies in Co-creating Integrated Knowledge Toward Sustainable Futures」 Sato, T., Chabay, I., Helgeson, J. eds. Published by Springer. https://www.springer.com/jp/book/9789811323263

Posted on Sep 14, 2018. ・Sep 28(Friday)9:00~13:00 Top innovator meeting Place:Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel (near to Fukuoka International Congress Center)4FMeeting Room No.1 http://www.f-sunpalace.com/banquet/conference-room/ ・Sep 29日(Saturday)9:00~17:00 General Meeting Place:Fukuoka International Congress Center 4F medium and small meeting rooms zone Room 403 http://www.marinemesse.or.jp/congress/facilities/facilities4.html

http://www.wssf2018.org/programme.html Apply here http://www.wssf2018.org/registration.html ・Sep 26(Wednesday)16:30~18:30 Session of TD-VULS Project CS6-03 Issue-driven and solution-oriented co-creation of knowledge partnering with marginalized people under poverty conditions http://www.wssf2018.org/session-parallel-01-list.html#a_c6 ・Sep 27(Thursday)16:30~18:30 Session of ILEK Project CS1-9 Co-creation of knowledge and co-planning towards sustainable and resilient futures http://www.wssf2018.org/session-parallel-01-list.html#a_c1 ・Sep 28(Friday) 14:00~16:00 Future Earth Session:Leena Srivastava, Amy Luers, Eduardo Brondizi, Tetsu SATO, Tetsukazu YAHARA) Schedule of the lecture (not published in the program yet) Key roles of social sciences in Future Earth, a global research initiative to support the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

A number of lectures from the side of TD-VULS project was delivered and exchange between the two projects was performed.

The seminar was held at Yokohama National University. We held a seminar and meeting on toolbox development and validity evaluation.

The Earth Science Feasibility Study (FS), which was conducted by Masayuki SAKAKIBARA of Ehime University, who leads Gorontalo’s case study, has been successfully passed through the review by the Project Evaluation Committee and selected for the project of Research Institute of Humanity and Nature. The project title is “Co-creation of Sustainable Regional Innovation for Reducing Risk of High-impact Environmental Pollution”. SAKAKIBARA will be assigned to RIHN (cross-appointment with Ehime University) in June and will start pre-research (PR) at the same time. The project will be started in April 2019 and continued for five years. For the overview of the project, please see the following site. http://www.chikyu.ac.jp/rihn/project/FS-2017-05.html Mr. SAKAKIBARA’s RIHN Project read...

Shinchiro KAKUMA, Tetsuo YANAGI, Tetsu SATO Published by Bensei Publishing. Bensei Publishing http://bensei.jp/index.php?main_page=product_book_info&cPath=9_27&products_id=100863

Top Innovator Meeting and General Meeting Feb 10-12, 2018 Doshisha University(Kyoto)

「Local Environmental Study:Challenging the Transdisciplinary Science 」 Tetsu SATO, Naoki KIKUCHI Published by the University of Tokyo Press. University of Tokyo Press http://www.utp.or.jp/book/b324630.html

The meeting was held in Ehime University.

The meeting was held in Yokohama National University

TD-VULS project was adopted in FY 2017 “Future Earth:solution-oriented transdisciplinary research” in JST · Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society “Promotion project of Future Earth Concept”.

Today I have transferred to Ehime University, Faculty of Collaborative Regional Innovation. In this new faculty where the transdisciplinary studies and education are set as the backbone of the faculty, we would like to develop new issue-driven, adopted trials based on the results of regional environmental knowledge projects that had been advancing at the former position (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature). Thank you all for supporting me in various aspects.