Aim of Research

From the case studies of seminal TD research in collaboration with socially vulnerable people which have been already conducted in various forms in developing countries of Asia and the Pacific, least developed countries in Africa, and emerging countries (Turkey), we will investigate the visualization of issues by collaboration with the people living in poverty, discovery of autonomous innovations (tools) on the social structure and industrial technology being developed in the local community and verification of its effect, and the study of collaborative mechanism between the scientists and the innovators of the emergence of these innovations, formal as well as informal systems and mechanism that can effectively support the collaborative mechanisms and autonomous innovation by vulnerable people themselves. We have applied the method of “Dialogic Deliberation in Living Sphere (DIDLIS)” which have been developed by research leaders in cooperation with small-scale fishermen and fisheries traders in East Africa and Malawi as the prototype of methodology of TD research, and created the theory and methodology of TD research through the verification and improvement of its effectiveness. In addition, through the research and practice conducted in various regions in Asia and Africa, trust relationships with important stakeholders and co-production of knowledge and technology have progressed. However, through these seminal TD studies, the problems and barriers of TD research by cooperation with socially vulnerable people have been revealed, and by applying the research system as the infrastructure, these seminal TD studies will be more effectively promoted and the theory and concrete methodology of the new TD research partnered with social vulnerable people represented by the poor will be further fully developed.
TD research in case studies of each place will be further developed and the new innovations (tools) and innovators will be discovered. And through close collaboration with them, we will improve the welfare of the people living in poverty and promote the TD research which contributes to the sustainability of natural resources, and encourage the academic innovations that will assist in solving the complex and difficult issues. On that account, we will expand the research organization in which the researchers from diverse fields, mainly humanities and social sciences, and socially vulnerable represented by the people living in poverty who have contributed to the true collaboration this whole time, administrative and industrial sectors related to natural resource management, stakeholders of nongovernment organization, residential researchers and translators who are building the mutual trust with socially vulnerable groups participate.

The collected various autonomous innovations (tools) that emerged from the people living in poverty will be arranged and in order to visualize that effect, “International Toolbox for Sustainable Development” will be organized. “Global forum for autonomous innovation in local communities” where these tools developers and users gather, will be established and operated. And we aimed for the emergence of new innovations through interaction with various stakeholders and social learning, resolution of issues faced by the people living in poverty and understanding of the universal process of TD research that encourages and develop a concrete problem solving system at the local level.
The system supporting the lives and well-being of socially vulnerable and the strong stabilization of livelihood and resilience through sustenance complex will be constructed based on the autonomous innovation emerged from them, by means of sustainable management of the natural resources on which the people living in poverty strongly depend. And through cooperation with Knowledge, Learning and Societal Change Alliance (KLASICA) advanced by Seeds of Good Anthropocene of Future Earth and the Advanced Sustainability Studies in Germany, and collaboration with Industry Sector and training of human resources who are responsible for collaborative production of knowledge in local society, we ultimately aim to contribute to the resolution of urgent international issues of poverty alleviation.



With the progressively accelerating economic globalization, the expansion in economic disparity and difficult life of the people living in poverty of the Asian, Africa and the least developed countries, developing countries and emerging countries of South Pacific do not show any sign of a solution. There is no guarantee that future economic growth will lead to an increase in the welfare of the people living in poverty and a narrowing of the disparity, and the further expansion is concerned. At present, 2 billion people of the world belong to the people living in poverty are living on less than $ 1.9 a day. Although the proportion of the people living read...

Aim of Research

From the case studies of seminal TD research in collaboration with socially vulnerable people which have been already conducted in various forms in developing countries of Asia and the Pacific, least developed countries in Africa, and emerging countries (Turkey), we will investigate the visualization of issues by collaboration with the people living in poverty, discovery of autonomous innovations (tools) on the social structure and industrial technology being developed in the local community and verification of its effect, and the study of collaborative mechanism between the scientists and the innovators of the emergence of these innovations, formal as well as informal systems and mechanism that can effectively support the collaborative mechanisms read...

Research Procedure

●Research Overview ①The innovators among the people living in poverty will be discovered, and the issues and autonomous innovations (tools) will be collected, ② by means of that verification of scientific and social validity, tools will be improved adaptively. ③various tools collected from each place will be integrated and “setting” known as toolbox will be created, by establishing and operating the world forum where the “Platform” of emergence of tools and utilization occurs, ④ by implementing the autonomous resource management by themselves and sustenance complex, we will implement the improvement of welfare and the sustainability of natural resources and contribute to solving the international issue of poverty reduction.   ●Outline read...